Members  Supporting us...

*Titles shown for identification purposes only. Not printed or distributed with union funds. Union campaign material is NOT to be distributed on official union resources, equipment and/or publications, including social media sites. 

Local Lodge 27

Local Lodge 36

Local Lodge 112

Local Lodge 180

Local Lodge 197


Here is my letter of endorsement for the incumbents for IAM District 19 election on June 9, 2023.


Dear Brothers and Sisters of IAM District 19,


This letter is in response to the upcoming IAM District 19 officer and general chairman election on June 9, 2023.  The incumbents of District 19 are dedicated and have the needed experience to represent all its members.  We stand together to bring on the necessary changes to improve our quality of life. These incumbents are respectfully requesting that we support them at the next election.  I follow in that support.  I have worked in the Brainerd Roadway Equipment Shop for 17 years and held various officer positions in our local lodge.  I have seen firsthand the dedication and hard work.  


I would appreciate if you would join me on June 9th and vote to support those listed below.


In solidarity, 

Shane R Collins

Local Lodge 197


For President/Directing General Chairman:

Andrew W. Sandberg

Book No: BY029752

Local Lodge: 754


For Secretary-Treasurer:


Richard D. Nadeau, Jr.

Book No: BU014209

Local Lodge: 1333


For General Chairman:


John Denny 

Book No: AT078702  

Local Lodge: 430   


Heath Jacobs                                   

Book No: AP049161

Local Lodge: 1450                                   

James Orwan                               

Book No: AK043201                       

Local Lodge: 1869                        

Jason Gibbs                                  

Book No: CB057805                           

Local Lodge: 376 


Kenny Krause

Book No: BY055019

Local Lodge: 356


Juan Estrada         

Book No: OT019534

Local Lodge: 620


Daniel Tavares, III

Book No: AW027988

Local Lodge: 318


Joshua Cox                   

Book No: B0154929                       

Local Lodge: 180


Shaun O’Connor

Book No: AW005102

Local Lodge: 498

Local Lodge 226

Local Lodge 263

Supporters of District Lodge 19 Leadership

My name is Robert Stroud. I am currently serving term as Local Chairman Local Lodge #263 in Charlotte

North Carolina. I have worked with many of the elected staff of District 19 for the past 8 years and

during this time I have learned that the leadership at District Lodge 19 is working very hard for the

membership and strive to improve constantly for the betterment of all members.

Please take this letter as my complete and total endorsement of these current members of District

Lodge 19 that are seeking reelection.

President Direct General Chairman Andrew Sandburg

Secretary Treasurer Richard Nadeau

General Chairman James Orwan

General Chairman Heath Jacobs

General Chairman John Denny

General Chairman Jason Gibbs

General Chairman Kenny Krause

General Chairman Juan Estrada

General Chairman Daniel Tavares III

General Chairman Josh Cox

General Chairman Shaun O`Connor

District 19 is in great hands with this staff! Please support this great team of very hard working,

dedicated members along with me this upcoming election.

In Solidarity,

Robert Stroud, Local Chairman Lodge #263

Local Lodge 308

Local Lodge 318

Local Lodge 325

Local Lodge 378

Local Lodge 430

To all sisters and brothers in IAMAW District 19:

       Hello. My name is Michael W. Smith. I am a member of the District Lodge 19 executive board and am Local Chairman for Local Lodge 430, with members across Montana and North Dakota. I am writing this letter to you all in endorsement of the current slate issued by District 19 for re-election in the 2023 election cycle.


The current Officers and General Chairmen listed on this slate have many years of experience and connections which cannot be replaced or duplicated by a host of new personnel that haven't had the training, experience, and expertise presented by this team. In addition, I have had the pleasure to watch and learn from many of the members of this team and feel we, as members, have benefited greatly from their efforts. Please join me in their support. 


I strongly endorse the slate from District 19 and urge you all to do the same. Please see this list below of the slate to vote for. Thank you.

Andrew Sandberg- President Directing General Chairman

Rich Nadeau- District 19 Secretary Treasurer

John Denny- General Chairman

heath Jacobs- General Chairman

James Orwan- General Chairman

Jason Gibbs- General Chairman

Kenny Krause- General Chairman

Juan Estrada- General Chairman

Danny Tavares- General Chairman

Joshua Cox- General Chairman

Shaun O'Connor- District 19 EAP Director

Sincerely and in solidarity,

Michael W. Smith

To all to whom it concerns,

     Greetings to all my sister and brother members in District 19. My name is Michael W. Smith. I am an executive board member for the district and the Local Lodge Chairman for Lodge 430, covering Montana and most of North Dakota. I am writing to you today to announce my complete support, admiration, and endorsement for the re-election of John Denny to another term as General Chairman for our district. 

      John has worked tirelessly on our behalf for the 8+ years in office as General Chairman and also for 12 years at the local level before that. I don't know of another GC that works harder for his members. That is not to say others do not, but I am constantly in awe of Mr. Denny's dedication to the membership of the IAM, and his passion to do right by us. His work ethic and experience in all aspects of defending our contracts and our members make him the premier choice for another term.

    In short, I strongly endorse John and urge you all to do the same by placing your vote for John Denny as General Chairman in the upcoming 2023 District Lodge election.

In Solidarity,

Michael W. Smith

Local Lodge 478

Local Lodge 498

Local Lodge 511


Hi, my name is John Lawrence.  Most of you have no idea who I am, so let me introduce myself.

Prior to my retirement I was working for CSX in Avon Indiana, and I represented the machinists at that location as their local chairman for six years.  I was honored to serve ten years as president of Local 511, and equally honored to serve one and a half terms as a member of District 19’s executive board. 

During those years I attended seven classes at our unions’ Winpisinger training center in Maryland. I attended those classes to combine the education I gained with the experiences I gathered in the offices I held.   You see, in order to lead you must have experience and knowledge, or you’re just leading blindly. 

I’m writing this letter to let you know that the current slate of leadership in District 19 is probably the best educated group I’ve had the pleasure to work with.  Also, the years of experience in every aspect of the necessary duties of General Chairmen on the incumbent slate is nothing less than remarkable, and displays the commitment of these men to serve and assist those they represent!

While I haven’t worked directly with every General Chairman, I personally know most all of them, and I’ve seen the effort they’ve expended to serve all the membership of our district.

While working at CSX, I had very positive experiences with three General Chairmen while serving the people I represented.  Andrew Sandberg, Mike Perry, and Jason Gibbs.  Mike has since retired, however Andrew and Jason are still working long hours to ensure the guarantees of the contract are kept. 

Just before I retired, the Hunter Harrison effect was absolutely gutting the CSX workforces.  I was given information about non-union companies doing the work of our laid off craftsmen.  I passed this info off to Jason Gibbs, who went to work right away to get that “scab workforce” off property.  Jason, as always was on top of the problems I presented him, and always with good results.

I’ll wrap this up by saying, I’ve seen nothing but the excellence come from the men on the current slate, and I have no reason to believe this would change.

Brothers and Sisters, I whole-heartedly endorse the slate of leadership we have now!

Experience and Knowledge…..is the key to great leadership.  VOTE THE SLATE, and keep great leadership!!


             Yours in Solidarity,

                             John W Lawrence               


Local Lodge 591

Dear Brothers and Sisters of District 19,

My name is Roy Hatten, I'm the President of Local lodge 591 out of Seattle WA and a member of District 19 Executive Board.

I'm writing today to give my endorsement for General Chairman John Denny and the entire Staff of District 19 for the upcoming election.

I've worked with the entire Staff of District 19 and seen them in action, training our brothers and sisters to be future leaders of the IAM to represent our members and negotiating contracts on our behalf.  

District 19 is in great hands with the current Staff, please join me in re-electing John Denny and the entire Staff of District 19.

In Solidarity,

Roy Hatten

President of LL591

Local Lodge 620

Local Lodge 625

Local Lodge 1041

Dear Brothers and Sisters of District Lodge 19,                                                    


My name is Mark Perez of New Jersey Transit Rail Operations for 36 years.  I am the Chairman of LL 1041, and an Executive Board Member of DL 19.


I have been through (2) PEBs, numerous NMBs, and have seen firsthand how professional this team operates.  I’ve had the privilege to work alongside each individual and believe this team has the knowledge dedication and experience to represent our district moving forward.

I strongly recommend re-electing the current incumbent team.


In solidarity,


Mark R Perez 

Local Chairman LL 1041/ E-board member DL 19

Local Lodge 1145

Local Lodge 1209

Local Lodge 1209 Roseville believes that this slate has our best interest in mind.

Andrew Sandberg 

Richard Nadeau

John Denny

Heath Jacobs

James Orwan

Jason Gibbs

Kenny Krause

Juan Estrada 

Daniel Tavares 

Joshua Cox

Shaun O'Connor

Local Lodge 1299

Local Lodge 1338

Local Lodge 1343

Local Lodge 1347

Local Lodge 1352

Local Lodge 1450

Local Lodge 1497

Local Lodge 1639

Brothers and Sisters of District 19,

I am writing this letter to share my support for the Incumbent slate for the upcoming nominations and subsequent election that will determine OUR leaders moving forward. 

I have held several offices at my Local Lodge 1639, attended various training classes as well as several conventions, I am currently an Executive Board member for District 19. 

I have personally dealt with the staff that we currently have regarding a vast array of issues, and have always received feedback and information when requested. The total sum of knowledge and interpretation is not easy to quantify and I am definitely glad that those tools are available to us. Our leadership fights for a stronger Union constantly and that effort has not gone unnoticed within the national labor community, myself included. 

I implore all of my voting Brothers and Sisters to join me in nominating this slate in the near future. This will insure our continued strength and growth well into the future. 

President and Directing General Chairman:

Andrew Sandberg 

Secretary Treasurer:

Rich Nadeau

General Chairmen:

John Denny

Heath Jacobs

James Orwan

Jason Gibbs

Kenny Krause

Juan Estrada

Daniel Tavares

Josh Cox

Sean O’Connor

Sincerely and thank you,

Rodney Neatrour

District 19 Executive Board

LL 1639 

Local Lodge 1676

Local Lodge 1869

Local Lodge 2198, IAMAW Railroad Members

Local Lodge 2600

Local Lodge 2741