Representing Through Experience, Communication, and Transparency. 

Brothers and Sisters, 

District Lodge 19 elections for President and Secretary-Treasurer. 

A new presidential candidate intending to bring change and a new direction to District Lodge 19. 

A Secretary-Treasurer serving District 19  with experience and transparency. 

First, we want to ensure our members are provided with the most professional representation, utilizing all the latest forms of communication. 


Historical Sick Leave Agreement Reached - CSX

South Central Florida Express Agreement Ratified - 95°/o

LS&I Agreement Ratified - 100°/o

Local Chairman Training Held at W-3

Brightline West Committed With High-Speed Rail Labor Coalition

Sick Leave Included - Agreement Ratified - 100°/o Gary Railway

Historical Sick Leave Agreement Reached- Union Pacific

Lawsuit Filed Against BNSF - Breach of Contract of RLA

Historical Sick Leave Agreement Reached- Burlington Northern

Historical Sick Leave Agreement Reached - Norfolk Southern

Reached Tentative Agreement With Amtrak

BIG Short Term Goals:

Ratify Amtrak Agreement 

Raise $5OK for GDA 

Win The Election So That We Can Get Back to Serving You!

Build Coalition and Solidarity for National Freight Agreement

From Tim Cahall,
Past President and Local Chairman,
Current IAM DL 19 Executive Board Member

"Dear Sisters and Brothers,

As a true leader of Railroad Local 1284 from Wilmington DE, I pledge to endorse Andrew Sandberg and his experienced team of true fighters, fully and unequivocally.

We encourage every IAM member in District 19, to keep our union strong by nominating the slate below on June 9, 2023.

We are also discouraged by the lies the opposition campaign has spread about our District. Clearly, this is not how any IAM member, especially one seeking such a high office in our union, should go about their business.

Brothers and Sisters, as our obligation states, lets remain true to the principles of trade unionism by Nominating this experienced slate that has the skills to do a great job."

Read More Endorsements

Andrew Sandberg, for PDGC 

Strong leadership comes from experience.
Andrew grew up in a loving, solid family with his father and grandfather as inspiring Union Leaders, paving the way for him to continue their legacy. For 28 years, he has passionately dedicated his life to Union Activism and Leadership, making his voice heard across various platforms, even testifying before Congress about the management scheme called Precision Scheduled Railroading. His powerful testimony contributed to the Surface Transportation Board Inquiries in 2022, leaving a lasting impression. 

Click here to read Andrews full, detailed Bio 

Meet Your

Hear What We Have to Say!

Click to go to the Biographies page for more about your team

Experience In Leadership and Teamwork Is Paramount!

We understand there is a group that created a makeshift slate, which contains members from mostly the same few locals. This group does not have the experience necessary to run District Lodge 19. The individual running for President has been the Local Chairman for about a year and has not held any other Local Lodge position. Although we recognize his desire to be a manager, we also know that District Lodge 19 is far too important to place into the hands of a person with no District Lodge experience. 

As leaders, we prioritize our members and District Lodge 19 when making an important decision. One can easily see that the members running against us did not use this simple concept. For example, the individual running for District Secretary-Treasurer has never held an ST position. Is that someone putting the membership and District Lodge 19 first? 

We represent all of you and have staff and retirees who would be adversely affected if members with no experience were placed in these critical positions. We have a great deal of work scheduled in the upcoming year and look forward to making this District the best Rail District in the country.


Now, more than ever, we need EVERYONE to VOTE!

Make your voice heard, and stand with your Experience For Progress team

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*Titles shown for identification purposes only. Not printed or distributed with union funds. Union campaign material is NOT to be distributed on official union resources, equipment and/or publications, including social media sites.